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Depression and Heart Disease
Depression and heart attack often occur together. Learn more about depression as a cardiovascular risk factor from a Johns Hopkins physician.
Mind/Body Health: Heart Disease
You might think heart disease is linked only with physical activities, but your thoughts, attitudes and emotions are just as important. They can accelerate the onset of heart disease, as well as get in the way of taking positive steps to improve your health or that of a loved one.
Women and Heart Disease
Join Dr. Hazel and Professor Chris Gale as they debunk the myth that heart disease is only a man's issue. This episode explores gender differences in heart anatomy, heart attack symptoms, and treatment delays for women.
Managing Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks After Your Heart Attack
In this video Psychologist Marie Young, talks about managing depression, anxiety and panic attacks after your heart event.
Three Research-Backed Rules for Building a Grateful Workplace
University of Washington professor Ryan Fehr shares research on how to build a culture of gratitude at work.
The Why and How of Effective Altruism
Philosopher Peter Singer talks through some surprising thought experiments to help you balance emotion and practicality of altruism.
Trending topics
Mindful Movement and Physical Health
Delving into the mind-body connection; how moments of movement can positively impact your mental wellbeing.
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Tips for Healthy Living With Heart Disease
Simple lifestyle changes can help you if you have heart disease.
Stress and Heart Health
Mental health can positively or negatively impact your physical health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke, according to “Psychological Health, Well-Being, and the Mind-Heart-Body Connection,” a scientific statement in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.
The Link Between Stress and Irritable Bowel Syndrome and What You Can Do to Improve Your Digestion and Mind-Body Health
Chronic stress can weaken your digestive system and increase the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, there are simple daily practices that can help you relieve stress, improve your body's digestive function, and expand your health. Read on to learn more.
This 10-Minute Exercise Equals 44 Minutes of Sleep, New Study Finds
Discover how 10 minutes of daily mindfulness can mimic the effects of 44 extra minutes of sleep, helping to reduce stress for the sleep-deprived.
Exercise and the Brain with Dr. Kelly McGonigal
In this podcast, Kelly McGonigal explains how exercise can make our brains more flexible and resilient.
The Benefits of Exercise in Addiction Recovery
This article explores the benefits of incorporating physical activity into recovery routines.
Medical News Today: Exercise after the age of 60 may prevent heart disease, stroke
A new study from South Korea finds that increased activity can reduce the risks of heart attack and stroke among people over the age of 60
What Anti-inflammatory Foods Can Do for Your Mood
This article explores the link between mental health and an anti-inflammatory diet.
Vitamin Deficiencies and Mental ill-Health
This article explores how lingering symptoms of depression, anxiety, or obsessive behaviors might be linked to vitamin deficiencies, such as zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin D.
Eating Your Mood
In this TED Talk, Christy Grenon discusses the growing body of evidence supporting that nutrition influences not only our physical health but also our mental health.
Getting teens to eat healthy
In this episode, Eleanor Mackey, PhD, talks about why improving eating habits among children and teens should be a family affair.
How is children’s mental health associated with nutrition?
This article explores the connection between diet and mental health, highlighting the importance of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into children's meals.
How a Bit of Awe Can Improve Your Health
This article explores why experts say wonder is an essential human emotion and a salve for a turbulent mind.
Finding Awe in the Ordinary
Discovering the beauty of humanity in everyday Life.
An ‘Awe Walk’ Might Do Wonders for Your Well-Being
Learn how a fresh look at the objects and vistas around you can help you feel more upbeat and hopeful.
How Awe Helps Us During Difficult Times
This article examines the ways in which daily experiences of awe can increase our well-being and predict greater satisfaction with life.
Why We Should Look Up at the Sky
When did you last take a moment to really look up at the sky? Shifting your gaze upward can help us be more creative, it improves our capacity to focus - and it's a gateway to awe.
The 5 Flavors of Awe—and How to Taste Them
New research explores the benefits of awe and ways to promote awe.