2025 webinars
Check out recorded seminars that address a wide variety of topics.
eM Life
Access interactive, on-demand content and live mindfulness classes that can help to improve your focus, reduce stress, manage relationships, build resilience, and enhance your overall well-being.
Three Research-Backed Rules for Building a Grateful Workplace
University of Washington professor Ryan Fehr shares research on how to build a culture of gratitude at work.
The Why and How of Effective Altruism
Philosopher Peter Singer talks through some surprising thought experiments to help you balance emotion and practicality of altruism.
Facing an Impending Loss - Dealing With Anticipatory Grief
In this video, you'll learn the steps necessary to work toward the positive emotions associated with a impending death of a loved one.
The Missing Ingredient in Self-Care
PortiaJackon-Preston shares how self-care brought her back to health and it can help you too.